Tired of slow-loading websites full of ads? Want a safer, more private experience on the web?
Then Plug Adblocker is for you!
Browse faster!
- Ads slow down your browsing experience by loading uncessary extra content
- Plug blocks these ads, speeding up safari and improving your browsing experience!
Save data!
- Ads consume large amounts data to download
- Plug blocks these ads from downloading, saving you data!
Improve privacy!
- Ads can track and profile your browsing habits
- Plug blocks ads from tracking you and keeps your identity private.
Stay in control
- Plug comes with a whitelist! Whitelist websites you’d like to support to stop Plug from blocking their ads.
- Block all scripts or all images from loading to save data and further protect your privacy!
Plug only works on iPhones with IOS 9 or later.
Please feel free to contact me with questions at:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ciuffi
Website: https://ciuffi.dev/